Tuesday, January 11, 2011


1.) The MSK e-PBL will be held over A WEEK starting from 21/1 (Friday)-27/1 (Thursday).

2.) For the research application form for Sem 7, the deadline of submission is by 11 February (Friday) (Week 5) after the CNY holiday. Pls pass up to the usual pigeon hole of BP108.

3.) ELECTIVE: For the elective right, u need to discuss with yr respective tutor first. Once yr tutor have agreed with yr learning issues and sign on the application form, then u pass it to AAD on 11 February. After this, then only u all go to apply to the respective things la. I hope it's clear. If u have any queries, pls refer to Dr Gan.

4.) CTT: For CTT CAL Assignment:Tutor-Tutee Meeting on Thursday (13/1/2011), pls refer to the grouping list (last column), topic and the respective fascilitators for the PBL room (grouping) u belong to in the e-learning portal under the timetable & notices.

5.) For those who are involved with the Convocation Magazine, there will be a meeting on this friday (14/1/2011) after Dr Gan's class. The venue will be held in outside PBL area on 1st floor not MPH 1-3. I hope everyone that has written their name will come la.


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