Thursday, April 14, 2011

IMU Starbucks Patrol


The Starbucks chill patrol will be arriving to IMU next monday (April 18th) from 11am to 8pm. The menu Starbucks will be having on this coming monday is shown is the poster below.

Just to clarify things, we made a tentative deal with Starbucks to arrive to IMU once EVERY TWO/FOUR weeks based on the amount of sales they make. On Monday they will be "testing the market". if it turns out that the sales are going well, of course they'd want to come more frequently (perhaps once a week in the future?)

So guys, mark your calendars!!! 11am-8pm this Monday only!!!

Thanks and cheers!!!



Sunday, April 10, 2011

IMU Ball Photos!


A message from IMU Ball committee:

For those who had attended this year IMU BALL, the photos that have been taken by the photographers from the photography club are now available at the IMU next top model booth outside library.

You can collect the softcopy of yr photos there, but make sure you bring yr own thumbdrive. it is available in this coming week!!

For enquires, you can contact KJ (president of IMU photography club) - 0125928777.

Thank you very much!

Pei Jie

Thursday, April 7, 2011

EOS 6 Timetable

the timetable is out and is availabe at elearning portal, under timetable and notices --> timetable file --> 2nd last option (bpharm_exam_TT_BP108)

the hard copy will be distributed tmr (friday) during the SEMINAR on tuesday~ please be present to get your timetable~

Toxicology peer assessment form:

We need to assess our teammates as well for the toxi project. The form will be distributed during the SEMINAR as well.
Leaders please take note that you need to collect all forms from your group and pass it to Dr Ooi during the seminar on next tuesday (12/4).