Thursday, July 22, 2010

Updates: 22/7/2010

1.) Management Project: Mr Sivaram said that he's going to see our planning draft for every group in near future, so everyone pls be prepared and take note about this. The details will be informed later.

2.) GDM Portfolio: A reminder from Ms July, pls don't forget to send the finished soft copy website: The class ID: 3346671, the password: endocrine. U need to create an account first before logging in. Put the first name as student ID: BP08072XXXX. As usual for the hard copy, pls pass up to AAD today by 5pm.

3.) Ms Chee Ling said on 11/8 & 12/8 (Wed & Thurs), pls DO NOT disrupt the furnitures (Tables & Chairs) arrangement in the Dewan Chancellor as that week MPharm using that venue for exam. The class involved are Selective (Analaytical Method Validation) workshop on 11/8 and 2 lectures (Endo & Mgt) on 12/8.

Thanks for attention~~~

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