Monday, July 5, 2010

Sharing - class trip

We made a trip to Taman Pertanian Malaysia on the past saturday, 3rd July 2010. A total 40 of us, guys and girls from BP108. Let the photos tell the story~~

group photo before departure, it was actually drizzling outside!! >.<
thank god that the rain actually stopped when we on our way there, so, the whether there was super cooling!!

another group photo before we enter~ everyone seems getting excited to be there~ =)

lst stop~ rent a bike!! almost all of us rent a bike to get around the park..ready to go!
well, the park is damn big and we need to explore it ourselves!

~skytrex~ non of us tried out but we manage to get to the park and got a peep =p

~taman haiwan a.k.a animal park~

~the flying fox tower and the lake side~
seems not working, maybe due to lack of management??

~ 4 season house~  it was summer that time =)

~empangan sungai baru~ saw some fishing lovers there...

some other beauticul scenaries there..

~wetland area~
~the 3 story look out point~
the main "road" inside the park, with trees on your right and left
there is actually a hub bus taking us around the park...u will know how greattful to have this bus  after u had cycle around the park >.<

and finally~ we ended up going back to IMU at 3pm..everyone was exhausted and of course, not to miss out another group picture before we leave!!

credits to: xiaojie, yunrhou, yeejin, yeenshuang and along's photo album

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