Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Important! Regarding the Meeting rooms‏

Dear All,

Some students had the habit of leaving their books, bags and even laptops (which, please remember is not good as it is a bad idea to leave such valuables unattended) in the room to book it and depriving others from using them. Please remember that these rooms are used by other students and staff to have meetings, discussions and PBLs so please be considerate to others.

Unfortunately, if students continue to book rooms in such a way and prevent others from using them, administration is looking to only allow students the utilization of the room for personal studying after 5.30 PM as it is proving to be an inconvenience to everyone - other students and the staff.

We would rather this not to be implemented so please be considerate to your fellow students and the staff of IMU.From now on, if books or bags are left unattended and the room is in need these items will be removed.

Also please remember not to write notes on the frosted glass walls of the meeting rooms as they cannot be cleaned, and always remember to clean the white boards and the glass after using them.

An incident occurred in which some students had written some silly remarks to the people passing by. Mr Amir of Facilities and Management had to sternly advice those students. We would like to advise our fellow students to not do such things.

Warmest regards,
Zia Shah

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