Saturday, February 11, 2012

Clarification on the abstract for CPIV Integrated Seminar


As I have mentioned this before, "Now keeping the plenary topic as TITLE, those 3 students can produce a single abstract having background, objectives (preferably 3 individual objectives of those 3 students), methods."

OPTION 1: (I gave this option for the following reason)
3 students can choose a plenary topic and have different aim and objectives for each student. In that way you can produce only one abstract to the lecturer. (since plenary topic will be same for all the 3 students). I announced this way since I received call from students stating that it is difficult for them to communicate with their group members because they are in different hospitals. So, by this way anyone among the group of 3 can prepare the abstract.

Each student in a group of 3 can prepare their own plenary. For example:

Main topic: Eczema

Student 1: Probiotics in the management of atopic eczema
Student 2: Epidemiology of hand eczema in an industrial city
Student 3: Topical corticosteroid phobia in patients with atopic eczema
In this case, students have to prepare abstract individually for their plenary.

For background, it means the past occurring of the topic you are going to discuss. In other words it can be introduction of the topic. If you are presenting a case still you can write method, because you will be integrating it with your plenary (if possible). If it is so difficult OR if you all do not understand it, give a summary about what you are going to present in 200 words.

Still you have issues, feel free to mail me at any time. (

Thank you.

Mr. Kingston

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